News & Tips

Read our news & tips, maybe for inspiration, maybe for curiosity, maybe for information or maybe just because you want to! 

kids summer activities
The Best Summer Activities To Do With Your Children
17th May 2022

Now that life is finally returning to some semblance of normality following the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have found yourself trying to think of some fun ways to spend the summer with your children.

The Best Family-Friendly Diets To Try In The New Year
5th Jan 2022

Indulged yourself a bit too much this Christmas? Don't worry - you're not alone. Here are a few great family-friendly diets to help you shed the weight.

festive recipes
3 Festive Recipes To Teach Your Children At Christmas
14th Dec 2021

If you're looking for a few great Christmas-themed recipes to bake with your children, our latest blog post has you covered.

christmas spirit
How To Get Your Family In The Festive Spirit This Christmas
8th Dec 2021

If you and your children are struggling to get in the festive spirit this year, have no fear - we're here to help. Read our latest blog post to find out how.

new years resolution
4 New Year Resolution Challenges To Do With Your Children
7th Jan 2021

As we head into 2021, why not set yourself a fun family-friendly challenge for the new year? Here are a few to think about.

Creative Christmas Decoration Ideas To Make With Your Children
13th Nov 2020

With Christmas around the corner, it's time for you and your children to get in the festive spirit. Here are a few great ways to get started.

kid guitar skills
The Best Skills To Teach Your Children at a Young Age
5th Nov 2020

It's never too early for your children to start learning valuable life skills. Here are a few suggestions of the ones we think you should start with.

halloween recipes for kids
Scarily Tasty Halloween Recipes You Simply Have To Try
26th Oct 2020

Give your little ones something to 'fear' about this Halloween with our collection of scarily good and wickedly tasty holiday themed-recipes.

childrens mental health
Should children be taught about mental health from a younger age?
12th Oct 2020

With mental health becoming a growing problem for the younger generation, should children be taught about it earlier? Join us as we discuss the issue.

sad child
Why Children Should Be Taught The Importance Of Mental Health Early On
29th Sep 2020

Mental health is a growing concern so isn't it time for children to learn and understand it? We think so, and here are three reasons why.

children reading a book
How To Encourage Your Children To Read More Regularly
24th Sep 2020

Are you trying to encourage your children to read more often? If so, the ideas listed in our latest blog post could help make a big difference.

kids and climate change
How To Teach Children The Importance Of Climate Change
24th Aug 2020

With the coronavirus pandemic taking up a lot of attention at the moment, it's all too easy to forget just how important climate change is as well.

outdoor learning activities
The Best Activities To Encourage Learning Outside
18th Aug 2020

From bees to bingo boards, encourage your children to learn while utilising the great outdoors with our helpful hints and tips.

lockdown birthday
How To Celebrate A Child's Birthday In Lockdown
13th Jul 2020

With the lockdown restrictions gradually easing in recent weeks, it's easy to think that the coronavirus pandemic is no longer a threat. However, that's not strictly true.

working from home with children
How To Work From Home With Children
26th Jun 2020

With more and more shops, schools and other industries starting to reopen, there's a real sense of normality returning in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.

children helping with chores
How To Encourage Your Children To Help Around The House
17th Jun 2020

If you're tired of always picking up after your children, don't worry - we're here to help.Whether it be the clothes your children seem to somehow leave everywhere or all the dusting, cleaning, food prep, cooking, driving and washing up you do...

kids art
How does art help children's development
26th May 2020

Art, creativity and messy hands have long been a way to keep children occupied, especially during long holidays - but how does art affect children's learning?

kids science experiments
Keeping kids entertained indoors
18th May 2020

Kids can be hard enough to keep entertained for hours on end at the best of times - sometimes it seems like school holidays last months, not weeks - but when you're stuck indoors together, your usual tricks might have run out already...

Where did Easter begin?
10th Mar 2020

Each year the date changes, but the traditions remain the same; we enjoy a meal together, plenty of chocolate and hot cross buns are enjoyed, and maybe a few gifts. But where did our Easter traditions originate?

Mother and Son
Mother's Day across the world
5th Mar 2020

This year we celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday 22nd March in the UK. Will the kids be bringing you a tray of breakfast in bed, or giving you the day off? Here's a round-up of how the rest of the world will be celebrating - why not make this year a little different?

Kids reading
World Book Day - 5th March 2020
24th Feb 2020

We can't believe how quickly it's rolled round again - World Book Day is just around the corner on 5th March, so we've put together a few ideas for how to celebrate World Book Day 2020.

Free Play
Why unstructured play is so important for children
17th Feb 2020

Unstructured play is an important part of balanced learning and early childhood development. 

Kids playing (cropped)
New fundraising ideas for 2020
27th Jan 2020

With a new year brings new ideas for fundraising - and what better way than with these fun ways to raise money for charity with your school.

Family reading
National Storytelling Week: 1st - 8th February 2020
15th Jan 2020

Storytelling is a wonderful way to aid the development of language, memory, learning and empathy for children. Stories can be told anytime, anywhere - and about anything!

Cutting pastry
Recipe ideas for using up leftovers
9th Jan 2020
We've all opened the fridge and stared at the mountain of food left over after Christmas - a huge plate of turkey, a bowl of sprouts that you hoped everyone would eat, the odd potato left behind.
Wrapping Presents (cropped)
Getting organised for Christmas
12th Dec 2019

Time seems to be running away from us this month - we're already half-way through and Christmas is fast approaching! With so many things to do - aside from all the Christmas shopping...

Mum and child (cropped)
How to get back to education as a parent
26th Nov 2019

Juggling work with parenthood is always tricky - especially when it comes to demanding deadlines and unexpected illnesses. But what about going back to education? 

Why it's important to focus on the positives
12th Nov 2019

It's easy to focus on all the little things that go wrong in the day - the school run never quite goes to plan, they've misplaced something again, you're always running a bit late, your words have fallen on deaf ears one too many times... 

Halloween photo (cropped)
Easy Children's Halloween Costume Ideas
21st Oct 2019

Hallowe'en is just around the corner, but it's not too late to organise a children's costume to impress! Here are a few ideas that will make this year's scary season simple. 

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Paying kids to help around the house
9th Oct 2019
As children grow up they learn new jobs around the house, taking on their own new responsibilities - however it doesn't always go to plan!
kids morning routine2
Speed up the morning routine
18th Sep 2019

If it's their first year at school, or you're just getting back into the school routine, it can feel like a shock having to get everyone up and out the door on time. Here are our tips on how to make the morning routine easier for everyone.

How to encourage learning in everyday life
11th Sep 2019

When the homework books have closed and the bedtime routine has begun, it's easy to separate life and learning. But we can all encourage it in our everyday routines, from when we're getting ready in the mornings to chatting together before bed.

How to bring out the creative side in your child
5th Aug 2019

It's all part of learning and development, but arts and crafts can sometimes be just as tricky as learning times tables. Here are a few tips for bringing out the artist in your child.

Save money this summer
31st Jul 2019
Over the long summer holidays, the pennies can quickly add up when you're occupying energetic children every day. Here are our tips on how to keep costs down, and keep the budget stretched until September.
Entertaining kids without screens
10th Jul 2019

The long summer holidays are starting any day now, but that doesn't mean that work has ended for all of us. 

Learning to swim
18th Jun 2019
Summer holidays are approaching, and if you're worried that your children's swimming skills aren't as strong as they should be - or they haven't begun swimming lessons yet - here are a few tips on building their confidence.
How to teach kids about the value of money
23rd May 2019
It's not a subject normally taught in schools - we learn our times tables and set up imaginary shops to play shopkeeper in, but the value of saving is just as important. Here are our tips on how to begin teaching children the value of money.
Celebrate Mother's Day - Sunday 31st March
28th Feb 2019

Mother's Day is a great excuse to leave the washing up for someone else, and enjoy some extra 'me time'.

Things to do in February Half Term
12th Feb 2019

Here are a few tricks that we'll have up our sleeve this February holiday

Working from home
Tips for working from home with small children
1st Feb 2019

Whether you work from home every day, or have to spend the odd day using the sofa as your makeshift office, it can be difficult to get into the swing of things - throw a small human into the mix and it can test even the most resilient worker!

Celebrate Valentine's Day with these creative ideas
24th Jan 2019

Here are a few of our favourite crafty ideas for Valentine's Day this year.

Superhero cape
World Book Day 2018
1st Mar 2018

World Book Day is always eagerly awaited in the IQ Cards HQ - and this year it falls on 1st March 2018. If it slipped off your radar, as these things tend to do, here's our guide to putting together an amazing outfit at the last minute.