The Best Family-Friendly Diets To Try In The New Year
Indulged yourself a bit too much this Christmas? Don't worry - you're not alone. Here are a few great family-friendly diets to help you shed the weight.
Mince pies, stollen, pigs in blankets - it's safe to say the festive period isn't exactly known for being the most healthy.
A time where many of us decide to put our diets to the wayside temporarily, favouring trimmings over treadmills for the time being, Christmas is a lot of family's favourite time of year - a chance to wind down before the new year.
But, while it may be a lot of fun being able to indulge ourselves over the festive period, it's also important to recognise when enough is enough.
Eating unhealthily over too long a time period can be incredibly bad for your health, after all, so it's important not to fall into a bad routine.
Therefore, if you and your family have slightly overdone it this winter, then we're here to help.
Join us as we run through a few great diet ideas to encourage you and the rest of your family to get back in shape again in the new year.
If you've been flirting with the idea of becoming a vegan for a while now, why not bite the bullet and give it a try?
January is the ideal opportunity to do exactly that, after all, largely thanks to the growing movement of people choosing to do 'Veganuary' - a month-long period of eating only vegan food throughout January.
This diet is super easy to follow and will help you do your bit to protect the planet since you won't be eating any products associated with the non-environmentally friendly meat and dairy industries.
It'll also provide you and your family with lots of essential vitamins and minerals while teaching you a number of great new recipes to use once the month is over.
Intermittent Fasting
While intermittent fasting may be classified as a diet, it's really more of a lifestyle choice.
Also known as the 16:8 diet, the best aspect of this diet is the fact you don't have to change what you eat - you only have to change when you eat it.
In effect, intermittent fasting is aimed at promoting a bit more discipline into your life, encouraging you and your family to only eat within an eight hour period each day.
This, in turn, will better-utilise the calories in the foods you choose to eat, while also discouraging you from any late night snacking.
Mediterranean Diet
The best diets are often the ones that discourage the over-eating of processed foods, replacing them with equally tasty, healthier alternatives, and it's for this reason why the Mediterranean diet is such a popular option.
A great alternative to the typically over-sugar-laden British diet, this way of eating will encourage your family to use healthy, low-cost ingredients like fish, vegetables and whole grains more often.
Nutritionally sound and appropriate for children of all ages, eating Mediterranean is also said to be especially good for your skin and can even lower the potential risk of your family suffering from a wide range of health conditions.
For more suggestions on how to shed the extra Christmas weight, or to share any helpful festive tips of your own, be sure to check out our Facebook Community Page.