3 Festive Recipes To Teach Your Children At Christmas
If you're looking for a few great Christmas-themed recipes to bake with your children, our latest blog post has you covered.
Christmas is a time of year which is associated with so many different things.
From reindeer to mistletoe and holly to snow, the overall atmosphere of Christmas is one of joy, organised chaos, family and love. But, more importantly, it's also a time where we can get away with indulging ourselves with lots of yummy goodies.
With this in mind, we thought we'd compile a quick selection of the best festive treats to make with your children this year.
Whether it be the classic gingerbread man or a Winter Wonderland-packed cake, the recipes listed below are sure to leave your Christmas feeling merry and bright.
- Gingerbread Men
Christmas wouldn't really be Christmas without some kind of gingerbread involved somehow.
The gingerbread man is a festive classic, after all, and - better yet - is super easy to make.
Simply combine the plain flour, butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, golden syrup, bicarbonate of soda and a pinch of salt into a bowl.
Then, once it's been mixed, roll it into a flat rectangle shape and use a gingerbread man-shaped cutter to create your biscuits. Cook for 10 - 15 minutes and then leave on the side to cool.
From here, the fun can begin. Using lots of sweets and piped icing, you and your children can then decorate the gingerbread men to your heart's content before enjoying them as a nice post-dinner treat.
- Upside-Down Santa Cakes
Utilising the traditional cupcake recipe, this idea allows you to transform your cakes into something a whole lot more festive.
Creating the illusion that a clumsy Father Christmas has fallen down the chimney, these cupcakes will not only wow your kids because of their design but because of how amazing they taste as well.
The first thing you'll need to do is create paper cake cases that look like a brick chimney. Then, once these are done, you'll fill the cupcake mixture into each one.
After the cakes have been cooked, you'll then need to top each cake with a buttercream icing and leave to set. From here, you'll then need to create Santa's individual legs and boots using fondant icing, before placing them carefully into the now-set buttercream icing.
And voila, your upside-down Santa cakes are ready! Just try not to eat them all at once!
- Snowman Hot Chocolate
OK, so this one might not be baking as such, but it's still a fantastic idea for a Christmas treat.
Using a selection of marshmallows, strawberry laces, chocolate buttons, and silver balls, you'll need to build a small snowman, skewering three large marshmallows together with a cocktail stick before decorating. Then, you'll need to stick your snowman to a cookie base and set aside.
In a mason jar, combine two tablespoons of cocoa powder and Horlick's powder with a handful of mini marshmallows, before placing your snowman into the jar as well.
Then, when you're ready to drink your hot chocolate, simply remove the snowman and add 300ml of hot milk to the jar, before using it as a dunking device into the hot chocolate.
For further great Christmas-based ideas to do with your children, why not join our Facebook community page? Here you'll be able to ask questions, read suggestions from other parents and stay up to date with all of IQ Card's latest goings-on.